Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Evaluation so far

We are coming up to half term and after writing our first draft of our script we realised that maybe we did not have the best story line. From first glance the main charter in our film looks like an arrogant jerk, however after the story unfolds you realise he isn't. The problem with it being a short film is that we don't have long enough to let this happen properly and therefore the audience will get the wrong impression. We decided to do some more research on short films and see how they have presented the characters and the story line in such a short amount of time and space.
I was inspired by a number of story lines and after thinking long and hard about what to do we thought it would be best if we started to come up with another story idea inspired through another film seeing as this gives us something to work on and we are not starting from scratch.
The problems we were facing:
- Seeing as our first script we began from scratch our story line was messy and did not complete. For example we wanted the audience to like our character Joe in the end however when we put him on dates we made him out to be a jock. We made such a hated character that we just couldn't think of how the audience would grow to like him, especially in such a short amount of time.

- we created a thoroughly dislike able character and the audience will not like him. As far as his change of feelings the audience will simply think that he is not to be trusted,therefor will never grow to like him. We were meant to show that he has some redeeming characters and instead his character seemed to be contradicting himself.

- we are very limited on time. We wanted to make our character change as a person and fall in love with a girl and to find out the girls was dying just in 5 minuets. This would be VERY hard to do.

- After watching a number of short films we realised that they are all very basic and consist on a couple of characters. We wanted a number of locations, a number of actors and we were making the story far to complex.
Once me and my partner agreed on giving writing up a script another go we decided that we are better off basing our film on another film and interpreting our own ideas into it. We have now got our new script written up and we are pleased with the progress. Everything is now coming together and we are feeling far more organised. By next week we are going to be able to start filming.

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