Monday, 10 May 2010

Final Evaluation

After completing our short film and ancillary tasks, we kept looking over them to see if there was anything we could add in or take out to benefit them and make them better but I have now come to the conclusion that everything we did was done for a reason and adds to them individually in its on way.
I am very pleased with the way our film turned out, although at first we were finding it a little difficult to manage our time, get all the actors at the shoots on time...etc we eventually got our self organised so that it all went to plan. If I could change one thing about our film it would be to add music in. Originally we decided not to introduce music into it because right from the first scene there is talking and therefore the music would overpower the voices and make the scene less effective. However, when the credits come up at the end, our film could have benefited with a bit of music. We were told we weren't allowed to use songs by artists because they were copyrighted and we couldn't get permission which meant if we wanted music we would have to compose it our self in a programme called 'Garage Band', In my opinion Garage Band works very well if you need to add in sound effects or music for suspense...etc but it is very difficult to create a whole song without any help that would fit in with our film so we came to the conclusion that our film would look more professional without any.
I think our poster works so well because its not overcrowded and busy. It may not be that complex but the fact that it is simple and to the point makes it bolder and gives it more edge to stand out. There is less to look at, making it easier to remember. I think our colour scheme for the title 'The Morning After' was one of our best ideas because it is something so simple yet looks so effective. It has stayed with us throughout the whole coursework process and is something anyone looking at our coursework would find hard to forget.
The Magazine review didn't start off so well because we had never done one before so we didn't know where to start, what to put in it, how to do the layout...etc. We then learnt how important research is as it taught us everything we now know and really helped us the whole way through, i now thing that our magazine review looks just as professional as one you would find in a film magazine.
Finally, the presentation we had to do involved answering 5 questions that were given to us. What helped us most with this is all the research we had done throughout the process of all the other tasks. We didn't leave our self with as much time as we would of liked for the presentation but i am happy with the final result and think it presents everything it needs to.

Powerpoint presentation:

We had to create a Power point presentation evaluating our ancillary tasks and short film. There were five main questions we had to awnser:

1) In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of a real media product?
2)How effective is the ocmbination of your main product (short film) and ancillary texts?
3)What have you learnt from your audience feedback?
4)How did you use new media technologies in the constuction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

The evaluation was worth 20% and therefore we wanted to try and achive as many marks as possible. This is how we did it:
- We put clips onto our powerpoint as illustrations and examples.
- useing images as examples
- makeing sure we answered every question in detail without haveing too much writing.
- Giving our audience a questionnaire to fill out about our short film and ancillary texts.
- makeing bar and pie charts to show the results from our audience feedback

Bellow are two of the clips we used in our powerpoint. These clips were created to illistrate 2 of our conventional editing techniques used through our film.:
1) Cross Cutting / A montage sequence.
2) a Point of View shot.

Our Final Film

Sunday, 9 May 2010

Ancillary tasks:

Bellow is the poster and magazine review for our short film:

Saturday, 8 May 2010


AMY: Amy is an 18year old girl. She comes from a middle class family and has been brought up in private education. She's very fun and loving and has lots of friends but is currently single. Shes just finished High School/College and will be going to Leeds University next year to study English. Amy is your average teenager however it is very rare that she gets so drunk that she would have a one night stand and is therefore embarrassed when she wakes up in the morning to remember what she has done.

JACK: Jack is 19 years old. He is from a working class family and has been brought up in the state education. He's very outgoing, loud..etc. He's a typical lad around his friends and is only interested in girls, football, sports, party's, getting drunk...etc. However, Jack has just come out of a long term relationship and therefore is extremely shocked at himself for sleeping with Amy after they had only met a few hours previously.

The Morning After - Script

Shot List and Animatic of storyboard

fine arts hampstead a2 portfolio media studies ocr

1. Very Long Shot. Jack and Amy on their way back from a party, walking down a street.
2. Long Shot. Jack and Amy kissing.
3. Close Up. Amy's face (laughing).
4. Close Up. Jack's face (laughing).
5. Long Shot. Amy taking off her shoes. Jack drinking.
6. Close Up. Jacks face (asking if Amy's ready).
7. Medium Close Up. Amy and Jack dancing.
8. Medium Close Up. Amy and Jack hiding behind a wall, house in the background.
9. Long Shot. Amy and Jack walking towards the house.
10. Medium Close Up. Walking towards the house.
11. Close Up. Amy tripping over the matt.
12. Medium Close Up. Jack picking up the key.
13. Close Up. The key.
14. Medium Close Up. Amy taking the key from Jack.
15. Close Up. Amy opening the door.
16. Medium Close Up. Jack and Amy kissing.
17. Medium Close Up. Jack and Amy enter the house.
18. Close Up. The door shut.
19. Close Up. The cloths on the bedroom floor.
20. Long Shot. Jack and Amy hugging in bed, knickers on Jacks foot.
21. Close Up. Knickers on Jacks foot.
22. Medium Close Up. Amy waking up next to Jack.
23. Long Shot. Jack lying in bed. Amy gets up and takes knickers off his foot.
24. Medium Close Up. Amy sat in the bathroom.
25. Close Up. Photo of a boy.
26. Medium Close Up. Amy pointing at photo, curious.
27. Long Shot. Jack falling out of bed.
28. Medium Close Up. Jack putting his trousers on.
29. Medium Close Up. Jack making the bed.
30. Medium Close Up. Amy washing her face.
31. Close Up. Amy wiping face on towel.
32. Medium Close Up. Amy hiding the towel.
33. Long Shot. Amy walking down the stairs.
34. Medium Close Up. Jack looking around downstairs.
35. Long Shot. Amy and Jack bump into each other.
36. Close Up. Amy and Jack talking .
37. Medium Close Up. Amy pointing Jack in the right direction.
38. Long Shot. Them both wondering off in different directions.
39. Medium Close Up. Amy searching for the teacups.
40. Long Shot. Jack looking around.
41. Medium Close Up. Amy bringing in the tea.
42. Medium Close Up. Them both drinking tea.
43. Close Up. Jack putting cigarette out on saucer.
44. Medium Close Up. Jack and Amy talking.
45. Medium Close Up. Amy and Jack looking around,curiously.
46. Close Up. Both of them in shock.
47. Medium Close Up. Jack pulling Amy towards him (heading over to the window).
48. Medium Close Up. Jack helps Amy out the window.
49. Medium Close Up. Jack climbs out the window.
50. Long Shot. Jack and Amy escaping from the house.
51. Medium Close Up. Jack picks Amy up.
52. Close Up. Amy smiling.
53. Long Shot. Amy and Jack walking off, down the road (Amy in Jacks arms).
54. Very Long Shot. Jack and Amy kissing.